Walking With The Wounded

Members of the Group were up bright and early on Saturday morning to support Walking With The Wounded (WWTW). Six military veterans from the UK and US armed forces – who sustained severe injury in service – have been completing a 1000-mile trek across the land as part of the Walk of Britain 2015 to raise money and awareness for those leaving the services as a consequence of physical and mental injury.

Cubs and Beavers met the WWTW Walk of Britain team (Alec Robotham, Royal Marines; Matt Fisher, 3 Rifles; Scott Ransley, Royal Marines; Stewart Hill, The Royal Welsh; Andrew Bemont, US Marine Corps; Kirstie Ennis, US Marine Corps), who kindly posed for photographs with the Young People before heading off on the final full day of their challenge. Other local organisations including the Rotary, Guides, Brownies, and Cadets were also present to mark the occasion, with the latter providing a full marching band that lead the send-off procession through the town.

1st Chertsey Scout Group were happy to contribute to the fundraising, and all those attending agreed that the WWTW team walkers were an inspiration to all. One of the WWTW team – Matt Fisher – grew up in Chertsey, and it was a poignant reminder of how conflict can affect those both on and off the battlefield, and have consequences for all those involved, long after individual campaigns have been concluded.

The WWTW team Tweeted: “Thank you Chertsey for kicking off our last full day of walking! Can’t believe #WalkOfBritain is almost finished! ” Twitter feed link.

Walking with the wounded Walking with the wounded Walking with the wounded

For more information on the charitable work that WWTW do, please visit their website: Walking With The Wounded

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