Latest Abbey Beavers News

24th June 2018

Abbey Beavers enjoyed a fantastic day at Bazzaz with 2000 Beavers and Rainbows, filled with endless activities under the sun.

5th September 2017

Abbey and Bourne Beaver colonies are oversubscribed; waiting lists for ages 5 and 6 are closed. We apologize.

22nd November 2016

Abbey Beavers welcomes five new recruits, celebrates with cake making, raising an impressive £60.76 for Children in Need. Well done!

27th June 2016

Colony visits future HQ site, investing new Beavers. Excitement fills the air as they witness the beginnings of their future home.

16th June 2016

Abbey Beavers welcome new members to the Colony with activities at Chertsey Meads.

18th May 2016

Abbey Beavers conquered St Peter's Church tower, enjoying breathtaking views and learning bell ringing with Tower Captain Malcolm Loveday.

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